
ImageIn Spanish the words “complacer” and “consentir” mean to indulge. I think it is wonderful to see these words in writing because we can see what indulging really is…Being complacent and giving our consent for the emotions inside of us to run wild! This consent will drive us crazy like our head is on fire!

This is what the act of indulging is and at it’s foundation is self pity and self pity is simply self importance masquerading as something else! The main issue with indulging is that like any practice we get good at it and we can do it without even thinking about it…it becomes automatic. The impact of this practice in our lives is that our thoughts drive our actions and words and in turn they create our perceptions of what is going on in our world and as a result the world responds to that and we create our reality. This can actually really suck if our thoughts and actions are aligned to this crappy thinking!

So how do we fall into indulging? Occasionally as followers of the path we get caught up in the trap of believing that the work has been done and that no more “real” effort is required and that we can lighten up. These are same kind of thoughts that get us to get very dedicated in going to the Gym to lose weight as an example. Then we diligently go and work hard and lose the weight but once that is accomplished we go back to our previous behaviors and put the weight back on.  We either accept this as “reality” or we moan about how hard it is and how we just can’t seem to keep the weight off when really we are simply being lazy and not diligent and impeccable in our lives.

The same thing happens to us on the path. We do the work and achieve some healing and experience the joy of being centered and clear and then go back to some slightly modified version of our old lives believing that since the work has been done that we are now different. Ohh we will claim that our lives ARE different but people looking in can see that we are getting very similar results in our lives.

The ego loves to fool us into believing that we “have done it” and then once we slack off it begins again in earnest to get us to slip slowly back into the trap we worked so hard to get out of. The key is that ego brings it all up so slowly and in such small pieces that it slips by unnoticed if we aren’t diligently practicing awareness and choosing to live in love and light moment by moment. The sad part is that some of us can slip so far back that we “feel” (the ego slips in the “feelings” also) that we have to start all over again and feelings of “what’s the use” and many other limiting thoughts that make us feel bad about ourselves to the point where we simply choose NOT to look at it because it feels too painful and we feel powerless to change anything.

I have shared many times that everything is energy and the most important energy in our lives is our own energy…the energy inside of our bubble! We can get sucked in to seeing all the outer world stuff, the form, the dream, the goal, the vision, the other people and get drawn away from the most important thing and NOT deal with the one thing that will make a difference in our lives which is our own energy…our own thoughts, actions, lack of actions that color our perceptions and therefore create our experiences!

So what can we do? We can feel completely disempowered when we are in the middle of indulging and our ego’s can find justifications for almost any act no matter how bizarre. The key to freedom is to recognize this and acknowledge it as functioning in this moment within ourselves, let go of the self judging and disconnect ourselves from the energy of it. We can disconnect from it by connecting to something else that is better! We can connect to gratitude be Being grateful, letting people we know how much we appreciate them or letting God know how grateful you are for your life.

We can connect to the earth by getting outside in nature, we can connect to good friends… not to recount to them our crappy story but to simply be in their presence and shift our energy to match more to theirs. The hardest part it to not to judge or to take responsibility for the supposed screw ups or blaming others for our predicament but to simply say that “where I am at is not to my liking and I will go some place other than this” and then choosing something and the acting upon that choice. Freedom comes in the choice and the actions that are lined up to loving ones self.

Recently my sister shared that she had been struggling with trying to get one of her children to come into line with her desires and beliefs about parenting. She said felt like she had been hanging on to a rope and was being dragged behind a truck driving through rocks. The ego made her feel like she had to do this in order to be “a good mother” and yet they were both suffering. She finally got to the point where she had no choice but to let go of the rope and when she did everything began to shift. She trusted Source to take care of the child, to take care of her and the many relationships and situations that were created by that hanging on to the rope.

Indulging is a hateful act towards ourselves…it is the act of BEing unloving towards the Self…….Loving ourselves is sometimes letting go of the rope…letting go of what we “think” is right and trusting Source to work it all out in our lives!

Love and Light


One thought on “Indulging

  1. Loved it! Passed it along … Thank you Good reminder To check when I get heated up if I smell smoke ! Walk in beauty Rebecca

    Sent from my iPhone

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